Radio is an ideal media for marketing fast moving consumer goods because it can reach wide targeted listener demographics in urban habitat. A large number of people listen to radio while commuting in urban areas and respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages. This study aims at analyzing the impact of radio advertisements on urban commuters towards buying behavior in retail stores and attempts to determine the role of radio advertising on dissemination of information on the sales promotions. The impact of radio advertisements on the store choice and buying preferences are analyzed based on empirical investigation. The study reveals that shopping behavior of urban consumer at retail stores in response to radio advertisements is highly influenced by the physical, cognitive and economic variables.

•  Broadcast of advertisements on radio has positive impact on customers towards conceiving and sharing information.
•  Radio advertisements are motivating and capable of driving arousal among listeners.
•  Radio advertisements create appealing messages which generate emotions among listeners and drive consumer needs.
•  Attractive and emotional radio advertisement drives faster recall and recognition of the message and brand.
•  Radio advertisement penetrates fast and drives positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities.
•  Radio advertisements are more appealing because they add value to entertainment programs by disseminating the information on sales promotions.